Station Component

Names and locations

Item Value
Link to source code
Management type Platform managed
Docker image name
Location of manifest file


A component used to simulate a station that receives requests from user components for charging for electric vehicles. Holds information of a station. Provides information of actual power provided by stations.



Topic Payload
PowerRequirementTopic Charging requirements from Intelligence Controller.


Topic Payload
StationStateTopic Station info of the station.
PowerOutputTopic Actual power provided from station.


This component has no documentation about the publishing of warnings in result messages.

Startup parameters

This component uses the block "StationComponent" in startup parameters.

Input parameters

Property Datatype Unit Example
StationId String 1
MaxPower Float (> 0) kW 22.0

Input files

This component does not take any input file.

Initialization workflow

This component does not have any initialization workflow.

Epoch workflow

In each epoch, the component does the following:

  1. Station receives an Epoch message for a new epoch. The epoch number for the first epoch is 1.
  2. Station publishes Station.StationState message which contains epoch number, station id, and max power.
  3. Station listens to IntelligenceControl.PowerRequirement message from the IntelligenceControl component which contains the charging requirements (power) that needs to be provided by the station.
  4. Station publishes Station.PowerOutput message which contains the actual power provided by the station.
  5. Station sends a Status message with value "ready".

Implementation details


Property Value
Programming language Python 3.7.9

External packages

The following packages are needed.

Package Version Why needed URL
Simulation Tools Component implementation based on AbstractSimulationComponent.