AbstractResult message

This page specifies the common base of all messages that represent a value calculated, measured or generated in a process. This structure is not meaningful as a standalone message, so it is analogous to an abstract base class in object-oriented programming.

JSON structure

(Fields of AbstractMessage must appear too!)

"EpochNumber" : 14,
"IterationStatus" : "final", // leave out when not iterating
"LastUpdatedInEpoch" : 14, // OPTIONAL field
"TriggeringMessageIds" : // TriggeringMessageIds are irrelevant in Epoch messages?
"Warnings" : // If warnings precede an error, it can be beneficial to provide them as well in the Error message

Fields and multiplicity

Field Type Multiplicity Explanation
(All fields from AbstractMessage) Fields from the "abstract base class"
EpochNumber UInt 1 (REQUIRED) Indicates the running ID of the epoch
IterationStatus String 0..1; see (1) Indicates the status of iteration, either "intermediate" or "final"
LastUpdatedInEpoch UInt 0..1 (OPTIONAL) Indicates the epoch number when this information was last updated; see (2)
TriggeringMessageIds Array of strings 1..* (at least one REQUIRED) The ID of messages that were involved in triggering the calculation of this result
Warnings Array of strings * (OPTIONAL) Indicates any warnings that occurred while resolving the Result; see (4)
  • (1): This field is REQUIRED if the component participates in iteration. Otherwise, this field SHOULD be omitted.
  • (2): If this field is not present, the recipient SHOULD consider that the information was updated in the current epoch.
  • (3)
    • This MUST include the triggering message that was received last
    • This SHOULD include Epoch message if it is among triggering messages
    • As long as the obligatory messages are there, the designer of each process can consider which additional messages to include.
    • This field can be irrelevant in the Epoch message. (Alternatively, Epoch could include the Result received last.)
  • (4): See the explanation of causes below. The process SHOULD omit the entire array if no warnings are relevant.

Warning causes

Each warning MUST specify a cause. The cause MUST either belong to base causes or be a user-defined cause.

Base causes

The following specifies the base causes. Each base cause has two parts, (1) "warning" followed by period as the separator and (2) a descriptive set of words separated with hyphens.


The calculation failed to converge, or the control has not completely finished. The outcome is either is a default value or calculated with some secondary logic.


Input is somehow invalid.


One or more inputs are out of range.


Input is unreliable, because the data source (e.g., another process) has indicated a warning.


There is something wrong with the internal functionality of the process.


Other reason; the processes SHOULD NOT use this in the output.

Open issues

Should there be more information about the warnings, e.g., a more elaborate description for humans to read?