Configuring platform settings

There are two collections of settings:

General platform level settings

The default settings for the platform are fine for local testing.

If there is a need to connect to remote resources like a remote RabbitMQ message bus so that externally managed components that have not been locally deployed can participate in the simulations, some platform level settings must be modified.

There are 6 different files that define the settings for the core platform. They are all listed in the table below with the details given in the subsections. Only the the parameters that might require changing are described here. The default files contain comments for all settings.

For any changes to these files to have an effect, the platform core setup script must be run, see the step 6 at page Installation.

Configuration file Description
background/env/components_mongodb.env The MongoDB connection settings used by Log Reader and the instance of Log Writer that is listening to the management exchange.
background/env/components_logwriter.env Additional settings for the instance of Log Writer that is listening to the management exchange. Includes the RabbitMQ connection settings, logging level settings and other Log Writer specific settings.
background/env/rabbitmq.env Settings for the locally deployed RabbitMQ message bus instance.
background/env/mongodb.env Settings for the locally deployed MongoDB database instance.
background/env/mongo_express.env Settings for the locally deployed Mongo Express instance that can be used to access the MongoDB and the messages from the simulations directly.
background/docker-compose-background.yml The Docker Compose file that is used to deploy all the core platform components. The locally used ports can be changed by modifying this file.


MongoDB connection settings for Log Reader and the instance of of Log Writer that is listening to the management exchange:

Variable name Default Description
MONGODB_HOST simces_mongodb The host name for MongoDB. Can also be Docker container name for a container in the same Docker network as the Platform Manager.
MONGODB_PORT 27017 The port number for MongoDB.
MONGODB_USERNAME The username for MongoDB. If this is empty, no access control is assumed to be in use.
MONGODB_PASSWORD The password for MongoDB.
MONGODB_ADMIN true Whether the account given in MONGODB_USERNAME has root access or not. Ignored if MONGODB_USERNAME is empty. (true/false)
MONGODB_TLS false Whether the connection to MongoDB is secured or not (true/false)
MONGODB_TLS_ALLOW_INVALID_CERTIFICATES false Whether to allow invalid security certificates. Ignored if MONGO_TLS is false. (true/false)

The default file can be found at: background/env/components_mongodb.env


Settings for the instance of Log Writer that is listening to the management exchange. Includes the RabbitMQ connection settings, logging level settings and other Log Writer specific settings.

Variable name Default Description
SIMULATION_LOG_LEVEL 20 The logging level for which the logging messages are included in the output of the components. 30 to include only warnings and errors, 20 to include also info messages, and 10 to include the debug messages as well.
RABBITMQ_HOST simces_rabbitmq The host name for the RabbitMQ message bus. Can also be Docker container name for a container in the same Docker network as the Platform Manager.
RABBITMQ_PORT 5672 The port number for the RabbitMQ message bus.
RABBITMQ_LOGIN The username for the RabbitMQ message bus. If this is empty, the default username, guest. is used.
RABBITMQ_PASSWORD The password for the RabbitMQ message bus. If this is empty, the default password, guest. is used.
RABBITMQ_SSL false Whether the connection to the RabbitMQ message bus is secured or not (true/false)
RABBITMQ_SSL_VERSION PROTOCOL_TLS The security protocol used in the RabbitMQ message bus connection. Only considered if RABBITMQ_SSL is true.

The default file can be found at: background/env/components_logwriter.env


Settings for the locally deployed RabbitMQ message bus instance.

Variable name Default Description
RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER The username for the local RabbitMQ instance. If this is empty, the default username, guest. is used.
RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS The password for the local RabbitMQ instance. If this is empty, the default password, guest. is used.

The default file can be found at: background/env/rabbitmq.env


Variable name Default Description
MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME The username for root access to the local MongoDB instance. If this is empty, no access control is used.
MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD The password for root access to the local MongoDB instance

The default file can be found at: background/env/mongodb.env


The settings for Mongo Express.

Variable name Default Description
ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER simces_mongodb The host name for MongoDB. Can also be Docker container name for a container in the same Docker network as the Platform Manager.
ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_PORT 27017 The port number for MongoDB.
ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ENABLE_ADMIN true Whether admin access is allowed though the Mongo Express interface (true/false)
ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINUSERNAME The admin username for MongoDB. If this is empty and ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ENABLE_ADMIN is true, no access control is assumed to be in use.
ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_AUTH_DATABASE logs if ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ENABLE_ADMIN is false, the database that is used to authenticate the MongoDB user
ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_AUTH_USERNAME The username for non-admin user in MongoDB.
ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_AUTH_PASSWORD The password for non-admin user in MongoDB.
ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SSL false Whether the connection to MongoDB is secured or not (true/false)
ME_CONFIG_BASICAUTH_USERNAME The username asked by the Mongo Express web interface
ME_CONFIG_BASICAUTH_PASSWORD The password asked by the Mongo Express web interface

The default file can be found at: background/env/mongo_express.env


Some local ports are used by the platform. The default ports are listed in the table below:

Component Default port(s)
Log Reader 8080
Mongo Express 8081
RabbitMQ 5672 and 15672

The used port numbers can be changed by modifying the Docker Compose file by changing the number in the relevant section. For example to change the locally deployed Log Reader to use port 8555 instead of the default 8080, the Log Reader section of the file should be changed to the following:

    container_name: simces_log_reader
    restart: always
        - mongodb
        - env/components_mongodb.env
        - MONGODB_APPNAME=log_writer
        - 8555:8080  # here a change from 8080:8080 to 8555:8080
        - mongodb_network

The default file can be found at: background/docker-compose-background.yml

Simulation run specific settings

The simulation configuration YAML file is the main configuration for each simulation run. However, for the communication to work some environment settings must be configured properly.

The environment variables are passed to Platform Manager when a new simulation run is started. They are given in 3 environment variable files: common.env (for some common settings), rabbitmq.env (for the connection details for RabbitMQ) and mongodb.env (for connection details for MongoDB). All of the common and RabbitMQ parameters are passed to the platform managed components when a new simulation run is started. In addition, the simulation run specific Log Writer instance also receives the MongoDB settings.

Some of the parameters are described here. For the parameters not described here there are descriptive comments in the files themselves.


Common settings for all simulation components:

Variable name Default Description
SIMULATION_LOG_LEVEL 20 The logging level for which the logging messages are included in the output of the components. 30 to include only warnings and errors, 20 to include also info messages, and 10 to include the debug messages as well.

The default file can be found at: common.env


RabbitMQ connection settings for a new simulation run:

Variable name Default Description
RABBITMQ_HOST simces_rabbitmq The host name for the RabbitMQ message bus. Can also be Docker container name for a container in the same Docker network as the Platform Manager.
RABBITMQ_PORT 5672 The port number for the RabbitMQ message bus.
RABBITMQ_LOGIN The username for the RabbitMQ message bus. If this is empty, the default username, guest. is used.
RABBITMQ_PASSWORD The password for the RabbitMQ message bus. If this is empty, the default password, guest. is used.
RABBITMQ_SSL false Whether the connection to the RabbitMQ message bus is secured or not (true/false)
RABBITMQ_SSL_VERSION PROTOCOL_TLS The security protocol used in the RabbitMQ message bus connection. Only considered if RABBITMQ_SSL is true.

The default file can be found at: rabbitmq.env


MongoDB connection settings for a new simulation run:

Variable name Default Description
MONGODB_HOST simces_mongodb The host name for MongoDB. Can also be Docker container name for a container in the same Docker network as the Platform Manager.
MONGODB_PORT 27017 The port number for MongoDB.
MONGODB_USERNAME The username for MongoDB. If this is empty, no access control is assumed to be in use.
MONGODB_PASSWORD The password for MongoDB.
MONGODB_ADMIN true Whether the account given in MONGODB_USERNAME has root access or not. Ignored if MONGODB_USERNAME is empty. (true/false)
MONGODB_TLS false Whether the connection to MongoDB is secured or not (true/false)
MONGODB_TLS_ALLOW_INVALID_CERTIFICATES false Whether to allow invalid security certificates. Ignored if MONGO_TLS is false. (true/false)

The default file can be found at: mongodb.env