Dummy Component


Dummy component is a simulation component that can be used to test the simulation platform installation. It can also be used to add delays to the execution of the simulation run if there is a desire to follow the progress of the simulation during the simulation run.


  • Listens to the message bus and catches all messages for the topics SimState and Epoch in the given exchange.
  • Offers parameters that can be used to adjust waiting times before the component sends Status message.
  • Offers parameters that can be used to set the probabilities that the component fails to react to a new Epoch message or fails to send a Status message.
  • Offers parameter that can be used to set the probability that the component sends an Error message instead of Ready message.
  • Sends a randomly generated result message to a topic Result before sending a Status message for each epoch.

Technical details


In the following rand(a, b) is a random number in the interval [a, b].

  • 1. Receive the message bus connection parameters and dummy component related parameters upon startup.
  • 2. Open the connection to the message bus and start a message listener for topics SimState and Epoch.
  • 3. After receiving simulation start message respond with status ready message.
  • 4. For each incoming epoch message received from the message bus:
    • 4.1. If rand(0, 1) < RECEIVE_MISS_CHANCE, ignore the epoch message. Otherwise, move to 4.2.
    • 4.2. If rand(0, 1) < ERROR_CHANCE, send an error message. Otherwise, move to 4.3.
    • 4.3. Wait for rand(MIN_SLEEP_TIME, MAX_SLEEP_TIME) seconds.
    • 4.4. Create and send a randomly created result message to topic Result.
    • 4.5. If rand(0, 1) < SEND_MISS_CHANCE, skip sending a status ready message. Otherwise, move to 4.6.
    • 4.6. Send a status ready message for the epoch.
      • If rand(0, 1) < WARNING_CHANCE, include a warning in the status message.
  • 5. Close the component after receiving a simulation stopped message.

Input parameters

Parameter name Datatype Corresponding Start message attribute Default Description
MIN_SLEEP_TIME Float MinSleepTime 2.0 Minimum waiting time in seconds before sending Status message.
MAX_SLEEP_TIME Float MaxSleepTime 15.0 Maximum waiting time in seconds before sending Status message.
WARNING_CHANCE Float WarningChance 0.0 Probability (0-1) that a warning is included in Status message.
SEND_MISS_CHANCE Float SendMissChance 0.0 Probability (0-1) that sending Status message is skipped after processing the epoch.
RECEIVE_MISS_CHANCE Float ReceiveMissChance 0.0 Probability (0-1) that received Epoch message is ignored.
ERROR_CHANCE Float ErrorChance 0.0 Probability (0-1) that Error message is sent after receiving Epoch message.